One room challenge week 1 – pantry update – littlepaisly

I did a thing and signed up for one room challenge or ORC. I decided to finish up things around the pantry by entering. All the inspo and moodboard are below. Follow me @littlepaisly on instagram to see more updates on the project.


To Begin with

I took pictures of the large pantry i have.

I chose the things I love.
looked for paint and light.
looked for inspo images
I decided to go for a green gray color of chromarty and some red/pink accents.

Inspo image and similar


This image is by designlovefest on instagram.
I love english pantries which seem to happen due to how a space evolves rather than expensive cabinetry and i wanted to achieve something similar.
Below is my favorite inspo image.

My space and the Plans for it


Lots of crockery, plates, dishes and baskets.



I have some baskets and plates already
the light – i thirfted the shade recently and want to diy the cable
I am planning to get jars from ikea
The fabric is also thrifted which also influenced by color palette.
I will get into the plans next week.
For now, I need to declutter.

4 responses to “One room challenge week 1 – pantry update – littlepaisly”

  1. Julie Avatar

    What a cool blog that you have! Your favorite inspiration photo is one that I’ve admired for quite some time myself. I so wish that I had a pantry in this house, you’re giving me jealous vibes. I really look forward to following your journey!

    1. shil Avatar

      Thank you Julie. that is very kind. I really hope I am able to match the inspo pic. I love the pantry size in ours and we do end up adding random things that arent pantry related.

  2. Juliette Dellavia Avatar

    This is going to be an awesome project! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

    1. shil Avatar

      Thank you. I hope so. 🙂

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