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How to create the best gallery wall


HOw to design a gallery wall(the best – Obviously)

Follow these steps to have the gallery wall that you always wanted. Its going to be slow but it will be worth it. This post contains affiliate links.



Begin as you mean to go on. Start collecting.

Choose the things you love.
Are they in a great frame. If not, change it.
Collect small ones and large ones.
Choose a hero image for the very center.


I collect landscapes, lithographs, vintage flowers and soveniers when i travel.
YOu can have a list of things that you might want to collect and display.
YOu can arrange these as they come. It is actually a slow process of trying each thing and chucking out till you are happy with the scheme.


we are here

That horse is a wallpaper sample. yes!
Start arranging them
try to have a couple of odd shaped art or round ones to add just a little interest.

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